For many people the first and most challenging step can be to acknowledge the need for help. I am committed to helping others in finding an authentic way of being, to healthy relationships and fulfilment in life, by providing a supportive, safe and non-judgemental environment to explore and reflect on difficult and often overwhelming feelings.


The long term challenges that can be faced by individuals who attended boarding school have been recognised amongst therapists and through a body of research. Strategies developed as a child in order to survive living in an institution, away from parents and home life, can become problematic as an adult. Boarding School Syndrome refers to the psychological issues that can affect the adult ex-boarder. It can be identified by a cluster of symptoms including anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, emotional detachment, difficulties with relationships, intimacy and failure to sustain relationships, as well as problems with addiction, alcoholism and substance abuse. Having trained with Nick Duffell who pioneered therapeutic work with ex-boarders and founded Boarding School Survivors, I follow the RAC model through a process of Recognition, Acceptance and Change. Working within a strong therapeutic relationship whilst integrating psychodynamic methods with a specialist therapist can help to unlock the authentic self and a true sense of being; moving from a place of survival to living.


Addiction is not weakness or a lapse in morals and it is not a choice that anyone makes. The definition of addiction as recognised by the American Psychiatric association describes it as “the continued, compulsive use of substances or behaviours despite harmful consequences” (Parekh, 2017). Misconceptions around addiction have shaped how society views substance abuse and the stigma surrounding it. Understanding how addiction affects the brain through processes of reward, motivation and memory provide a framework from which treatment strategies and support can be implemented.

I am experienced in working with individuals affected by drugs, alcohol and addictive behaviours, and have specialist qualifications from Stanford University. The use of substances or behaviours can be a response to adverse childhood experiences (ACE), trauma and suffering and I offer an integrative approach to therapy focussing on uncovering the underlying issues that can lead to addiction. By breaking the addiction cycle and developing healthy life choices and coping strategies, you can find a true sense of self and life meaning with improved self-esteem and feeling more able to move forwards.


Having trained in Montessori pedagogy, with a focus on child development and psychology, and specialised in supporting children and young people with special educational needs within the education system, I have a wealth of experience and understanding in supporting individuals through the pressures that they encounter in their lives. I work from a person-centred approach integrating psychodynamic and existential methods, where I believe that the foundation to successful therapy starts with a strong therapeutic alliance within a safe and non-judgemental environment. Understanding the pressures that young people face today, and the difficulties they can endure including anorexia and self-harm, I can help to find the courage to move forwards, building in coping mechanisms and with a focus on developing self-esteem and inner confidence.